Definition of Sulfur dioxide

1. Noun. A colorless toxic gas (SO2) that occurs in the gases from volcanoes; used in many manufacturing processes and present in industrial emissions; causes acid rain.

Exact synonyms: Sulphur Dioxide
Generic synonyms: Dioxide, Pollutant, Gas

Definition of Sulfur dioxide

1. Noun. (inorganic compound) A toxic gas, of molecular formula SO2 that is found in the emissions of volcanos and those of burning coal or petroleum; dissolves in water to form sulfurous acid and, in the presence of oxygen, sulfuric acid, and is thus responsible for acid rain. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sulfur Dioxide

sulfur-crested cockatoo
sulfur acid
sulfur alcohol
sulfur bacteria
sulfur bacterium
sulfur bath
sulfur bottom
sulfur candle
sulfur candles
sulfur cast
sulfur cockatoo
sulfur cone
sulfur cycle
sulfur dibromide
sulfur dioxide
sulfur ether
sulfur fungus
sulfur hexafluoride
sulfur impression
sulfur match
sulfur mine
sulfur monoxide
sulfur mustard
sulfur nitride
sulfur ore
sulfur oxide
sulfur oxides
sulfur paintbrush
sulfur parakeet

Literary usage of Sulfur dioxide

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety: Proceedings of the First International edited by T. J. Casadevall (1995)
"sulfur dioxide has larger absorption coefficients than ozone at ... When sulfur dioxide is present, differences in the absorption spectra of ozone and ..."

2. Laboratory Manual of Colloid Chemistry by Harry Nicholls Holmes (1922)
"at various temperatures, the relation between the quantity of sulfur dioxide adsorbed and the partial pressure or concentration of sulfur dioxide gas in the ..."

3. Technology of Cellulose Esters: A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the by Edward Chauncey Worden (1921)
"1050 Gravimetric Analysis of Pyrites 1051 sulfur dioxide 1057 Sulfur Burners 1062 sulfur dioxide 1069 Pyrites Burners 1070 sulfur dioxide from Copper ..."

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